Low Carbon creates renewable energy at scale. Loop helps households to use as little of it as possible.
Together let’s make more and use less.
Low Carbon is making the energy that will move the world to 100% renewable sources.
Loop gives you the data to reduce your own energy use.
We work together.
We create renewable energy
We don't want you to use energy
Together we make more and you use less
The winter Turn Down and Save scheme rewards Loop users for using less electricity when the demand is highest, in a number of national energy-saving ‘events’.
If you join Turn Down and Save the aim is to use less electricity than normal during the event. If you’re successful, you’ll receive a reward for any reduction compared to normal that you make.
Existing Loop users can join via the link on their Loop app homescreen.
Not a Loop user yet? Sign up and earn rewards in our Turn Down and Save scheme.
Low Carbon is the parent company of Trust Power, the data and technology business behind Loop.
A purpose-led organisation, Trust Power is on a mission is to accelerate the decarbonisation of UK households through increasing their control over energy use.
By working together, Low Carbon creates energy and Trust Power makes sure you don't use energy.
Loop users in the UK cut their energy use by 15% on average. The free Loop app analyses your smart meter data and shows you easy ways to use less energy, save money and reduce your carbon footprint.
The Loop app gives you the data and insight to prepare your own route to net zero.
By analysing your home energy use and transport choices, you can then understand the impact of improving your efficiency, fitting solar panels, insulating your house then going electric for your heating and car.
1. Smart Scheduling
Loop’s EcoMeter provides real-time carbon insights that empower you to rethink when you run your energy-hungry appliances.
2. Energy Awareness
As you monitor your energy data with Loop, you become more aware of your energy consumption patterns. This heightened awareness encourages energy-saving behaviours. It all adds up, and on average Loop users cut their electricity bill by 16% and their gas by 10%.
3. Advocate for Change
Loop equips you with factual insights to spark conversations about energy. Understand more about your Phantom Load - our name for the 30% of energy that is wasted in a typical household. See the effect of reducing your boiler flow temperature on your gas usage. Use EcoMeter to prompt conversations about why the time you use energy can reduce your impact on the environment. As you share knowledge, you set an example for others to follow.